Become a Force for Change
Invest in the lives of Knollwood residents and join a larger community of ADF supporters
Create a Better Life for All Older Adults

By 2040, nearly ¼ of the American population will be age 65 or older. Properly caring for an older population is a complex social challenge. Experience has shown that social challenges are best addressed through strong cross-sector partnerships, particularly partnerships that combine resources of private sector companies with the charitable cause of non-profit organizations. When businesses and non-profits collaborate, everyone wins.
Inspire Progress
with event sponsorship
Lead Change
by offering expertise
Empower Action
by investing with resources
Engage Employees
with service programs
Ways to Support ADF/Knollwood
There are many ways to make a gift to the ADF. Thoughtful donors may choose one, or more options, which best meet their needs and goals. Consult with your legal and financial advisors to be sure the gifts you make are in your best interests – and help meet the mission and goals of the programs supported by the ADF.
give online
Online with a credit card
Giving is as simple as clicking and entering your payment information!
Give by Check
If you prefer the convenience of writing a check, make it payable to Army Distaff Foundation and mail it to:
Army Distaff Foundation, Office of Advancement
6200 Oregon Ave. Washington, D.C. 20015